映像制作(記録・アニメーション) 2011. 05. 05

ANIDO is producing animation films.

And also making various documentary films related with animation field like Interviews, Behind-the-Scenes Featurettes and Filmmakers’ Commentaries etc.. We are taking and editing by professional equipment and programmes for TV programmes and special features of DVD.

In addition we’re distributing foreign great masterpiece of animation.

The program for a festival 01 Le Lezard Vert (2003) 2011. 05. 05

Running Time 90 min.

Format:Beta Cam Tapes/PAL/NTSC

Glassy Ocean
Director:Shigeru Tamura
Running time:23min.

Jump of whale that elderly person who lived in sea of the glass encountered. In this world where the time axis was different, the whale was seen like stopping in the air. Residents who see jump of whale putting half a day. Then, the elderly person recalls certain.


Music Video: Orange Pekoe
Director: Natsuki Kida
Boda’s Works

Director: Katsushi Boda

Mr. Head
Director: Koji Yamamura
Running TIme: 10 min.

Director: Tatsutoshi Nomura

Director: Yasuyuki Kitazawa
Special programmes for Film Festival 2011. 05. 04

Special programmes for Film Festival!

We have the preparation to send you our various programmes to introduce Japanese animation to an animation festival in all over the world. The following programs are some examples of our current activities. For more information, anyone is welcome to contact us by E-mail.

Program 01 (for Le Lezard Vert)

Program 02 (for ANIMA MUNDI 2001and ANNECY 1999)

Program 03 (Kenzo MASAOKA’s Works)

Program 04 (for ANIMA MUNDI 2001″Goshu, The cellist” ,and Shorts)

Program 05 (for Kecskemt Animation Film Festival 2009/TAMAGRA ANIMATION)

Program 06 (Taku Furukawa’s works)

True face of Mr.Mori 2011. 05. 04

Mr. Mori was a not only shy but also very modest person.

When we, ANIDO went to ask for the permission to publish his book, he modestly answered “My book doesn’t sell well.” But we really wanted to publish his book so we got his permission convincing him by force. During editing his book, Mr. Mori never complained and ordered us anythig but he was just looking at our sample and smiling.

However despite of his smiling face and gentle attitude to others, I heard and read that he was a scary great master of animation when he worked energetically at Toei-Douga. It doesn’t mean literally ‘scary’ — no shouting, no scolding —  just looking at drawings of young animators and correcting them with pencils, but I imagine that people got frightened at Mr. Mori’s extremely high-level skill.

If there were “Time machine”, I’d like to go back to the past and work under Mr. Mori as an animator. But I would be too embarrassed to stand by him during his correcting my drawings.

And another “true face” of Mr. Mori is a pleasant and funny entertainner.

ANIDO’s origin dates back to the party called “ANIME MATSURI(animation festival) which was held at Toei-Douga. And its highlight was Mr. Mori’s ballet dance in a tutu.

Here is another good example that shows his unique sense of humor. One day  he was walking along shopping street in Yokohama with his family. When his wife popped into a shop to have a look and then came out, Mr. Mori was imitating a beggar sitting at the corner and making a gesture of asking for something to his hat.

Through his Nichidou, Toei-Douga and Nihon animation periods Mr. Mori was very popular among women all the time. Now I understand why — it’s simply because he was very attractive just like his drawings and illustration.

Enchanting illustration of Yasuji Mori 2011. 05. 03

Every work of Mr. Mori is very gentle, full of “adorableness.” No one but he could draw such a “pure” illustration. I think it’s because of his career as an animator but anyway, as you can see, his dessin is very precise. There is no plastic defect, and his perfect design seems to make it possible that you can even turn around each figure that appears in his picture. But we should notice that it’s a result of his effort, how he struggled with drawings. It’s a bit scary to imagine its process of his training…

Well, Mr. Mori’s drawings are very adorable but also scary for the people who work in the same field.

Masahiro KATAYAMA 2011. 05. 03

Pf.Nobuhiro Aihara, the animator and the director past away. 2011. 05. 02

Mr. Nobuhiro Aihara, the professor of Kyoto University of Art and Design past away during his visit Bali in Indonesia. He was 67 years old.
Aihara joined Studio Zero and Oh!Production before and had released his own artistic works, as he had worked as an animator for TV animation. He was one of the top creator of experimental animation in Japan.
We are very sorry and hope he rests in peace.

Special exhibition “the world of Yasuji MORI” 2011. 05. 01

Featuring the pictures of Yasuji MORI, the master animator and illustrator

JULY 27-AUGUST 2, 2011 9:00〜21:00

Maruzen Marunouchi Honten 4F  (The gallery in the book shop)

1-6-4, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8203
In front of the north exit of Tokyo station

(日本語) 「チェコの古代伝説」配給顛末記 その1 2011. 05. 01