(日本語) 古川タク展7月に開催!ちらしPDFをアップしました 2011. 05. 31
(日本語) カレル・ゼマン展 開催中 2011. 05. 30

(日本語) 読売新聞に政岡憲三さん登場 2011. 05. 30

(日本語) HUPOA(ハポア)ハンガリー、ポーランド アニメーションの世界 2011. 05. 21

(日本語) オープロ第4回アニメーション・セミナー開催 2011. 05. 19

DVD ハンガリー・アニメーション傑作選 ムーン・フィルム ドーラ・ケレステシュ作品集 2011. 05. 19

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DVD ハンガリー・アニメーション傑作選 タイムサイト イシュトヴァーン・オロス作品集 2011. 05. 19

(日本語) 「片山雅博追悼上映会」を10月に開催! 2011. 05. 17

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(日本語) もりさんの創作絵本 2011. 05. 17

(日本語) もりさんの名作絵本 2011. 05. 14

DVD STILLS – Drawings About a Landscape of a Life / MÁRIA HORVÁTH WORKS ─Hungarian Great Animators’ Works 2011. 05. 13

Fantastic world of Mária Horváth, who adores nature, poetry and children. We’re happy to present her first DVD contains her short animations with various techniques. Her animation works are very simple but full of love for our world.

The Miracles of the Night
1982 8min
Door No.8
1983 1min
Door No.9
1983 1min
Door No.2
1987 1min
Door No.3
1987 2min
The Signal Films of KAFF
1985-1999 30sec-1min each
Green Street 66
1992 7min
Stills-Drawings about a Landscape of Life
2000 6min
The Telling Stone
2004 9min
Bonus contents: the director’s interview

English subtitle is not included in this special program.

DVD ハンガリアン・フォークテールズ 2011. 05. 12

ANIDO has developed friendly relations with Kecskemet film for a long time. Now we’re happy to introduce its beautiful animation series of “Hungarian Folk Tales.”

The Poor Man and HisFriends

2002/Director: Lajos Nagy

Dyer’s Apprentice

2002/Director: Mária Holváth

Seven with One Strike

2002/Director: Mária Holváth

The Round Stone

2002/Director: Mária Holváth

The Prince Turned into Stone

2002/Director: Mária Holváth

The Poor Man and His Horse

2002/Director: Mária Holváth

The Little Rooster and Picket-Fence

2002/Director: Lajos Nagy

The Slipper Tearing Princesses

2002/Director: Lajos Nagy

The Angel Sheep

2002/Director: Mária Holváth


2002/Director: Lajos Nagy

The Lamb with Golden Hair

2002/Director: Mária Holváth, Lajos Nagy

The Magic Key-Lock

2002/Director: Mária Holváth


2002/Director: Mária Holváth

Special Interview with the Director
DVD ティップ・トップ 世界のベストアニメーションVol.3 2011. 05. 12

The Best of the best Animation of the World that Anido recommend!! Vol.3 includes full-of-great-wit-and-humor works of Paul Driessen from 70′s and 80′s.





01 HOME ON THE RAILS 1981 10min.
02 THE KILLING OF AN EGG 1977 2.5omin.
03 SUNNY SIDE UP 1985 2.50min.
04 ELBOWING 1979 6.33min.
05 ON LAND, AT SEA AND IN THE AIR 1980 10min.
06 OH WHAT A KNIGHT 1982 3.20min.
07 TIP TOP 1984 7min.
08 DAVID 1976 9min.
(日本語) アニメーションスタッフ支援のシンボルマーク 2011. 05. 12

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DVD スクリーン・プレイ 世界のベストアニメーションVol.2 2011. 05. 11

The Best of the best Animation of the World that Anido recommend!! Vol. 2 includes 2D, paint-on-glass, puppet… you can enjoy various types of great animation.

SCREENPLAY/ Barry Purves/ UK 1994 11min.
’94 Academy Award Nominee
THE VILLAGE/ Mark Baker/ UK 1994 14min.

’94 Academy Award Nominee

EXIT/ Stig Bergquist & Co. / Sweden 1990 20min.
OTTAWA’90 Award Nominee
THE DREAM OF A RIDICULOUS MAN/ Alexander Petrov/ Russia 1992 20min.
絵本ツェルセルーシュカ 2011. 05. 11

This folktale appeared in Hungary as an episode of a well known TV animation series called “Hungarian Folk Tales”.

The word “Cerceruska” is the title of a Hungarian folktale, also this word is used as name of a little character appear in the story.

Although Cerceruska is an animated short film, Anido had passion to publish this film as a picture book. The director Maria Holvath drew the original illustrations specially for publishing this picture book, and this book has been published only in Japan.

There is a lot of metaphor expressed through her beautiful illustrations, the unique world she illustrates will definitely impress all readers.

She was saying to us, every object in this story have the meanings behind. For example, “hollow” has meaning of “maternity”, and to represent the meaning there are many circular shapes appeared in this story.

Author : Maria Holváth
Translator : Etsuko SUGASAWA
Editor : Takashi NAMIKI

First Edition : June 2007
size: A5 (H210×W148mm) 32 Pages / Hardcover

Publisher : ANIDO FILM Ltd.
Printed in Japan

Language : JAPANESE


The exhibition of Mori in 1985 2011. 05. 10

DVD 雪深い山国 世界のベストアニメーションVol.1 2011. 05. 10

The Best of the best Animation of the World that Anido recommend!! Vol. 1 includes lyrical works of 3 directors.

LAND OF THE SNOWY MOUNTAINS/ Bernard Palacios/ France 1989 10min.
STRINGS/ Wendy Tilby/Canada 1991 10min.
TABLES OF CONTENT/ Wendy Tilby/Canada 1987 7min.
’88 Ottawa Debut Prize
MR.PASCAL/ Alison De Vere/ UK  1979 7min.
’79 Annecy Grand-Prix
CAFE BAR/ Alison De Vere/ UK 1975 6min.
DVD くもとちゅうりっぷ 2011. 05. 09

The all works of Kenzo MASAOKA, Japanese great treasure masterpieces!

Masaoka was a one of Japanese animation pioneers who called “the father of Japanese animation”. These two discs are truly important for not only Japanese animation history, but also its cultural history around World War Two.

“Kumo to Tulip/ The Spider and the Tulip” 1943 16min.

The evil spider tries to capture the ladybird girl. However, she is given shelter to in the tulip, and the spider is blown off by a sudden storm.

It is famous as the masterpiece of classics of cartoon short movie in Japan.

“Benkei tai Ushiwaka/ Benkei vs Ushiwaka” 1939 14min.

This story is based on a childhood episode from the life of the great Heian general Yoshitsune Minamoto.

When casting the two combatants in Benkei vs. Ushiwaka (1939) director Kenzo Masaoka chose Mrs Masaoka to play the diminutive hero, and himself as the hulking brute Benkei.

“Sakura (Haru no Genso)/Cherry blossom (The Illusion of Spring) “1947 8min.

Kenzo Masaoka completed “SAKURA(HARU NO GENSOU)/The cherry tree (Spring fantasy)”(46) using Weber’s “Invitation to a dance” (arranged by Berlioz) which Stokowski conducted gorgeously. In this work, the spring sight was lyrically drawn with MAIKO in Kyoto, the shower of falling cherry blossom, and the butterflies which are flying. On a screen, a quiet atmosphere flowed and the noisy social situation was not felt. Moreover, arrival of freedom was not cried for loud. Although it was a negative form, Masaoka’s principle-of-art-for-art’s-sake-spirit was shown like “KUMO TO TUURIPPU.”

“Chagama-Ondo/ A Dance Song with a Kettle” 1934 10min.
“Sute-neko Tora-chan/ Tora-chan, an orphan kitty” 1947 21min.
“Tora-chan to Hanayome/ Tora-chan’s wedding” 1948 17min.
“Tora-chan no Kankan-mushi/ Tora-chan’s ship sweeper” 1950 10min.
Bonus Contents:

“The documentary of the ceremony for completed Masaoka’s monument” 1981 5min. 16mm

もりやすじ・くまさんTシャツ 2011. 05. 09