DVDthe first supplementary volume of “DVD ANIDO Japanese Animation History” is comin up in July 2011 2011. 06. 23

The first DVD of ANIDO’s Japanese Classical Animation Film series is coming up soon! Its main title is a disciple of Mr. Kenzo Masaoka —- Mr. Masao KUMAKAWA and other disciples’ fine piece called “Animal Neibourhood Association.” In addition it includes the most funniest piece in Japanese Animation History “Miss Cinterrier’s groom,” kimo-kawaii(gross-cute)” odd piece “Gymnastics Diary of Kintaro,” the strange propaganda work “Picture Book 1936″ in which Mickey Mouse Look-Alike? with evil face’s attacking Japan. This is really a powerful lineup! price 4935(JPY, tax in), more information is on our WEB SHOP!

Taku FURUKAWA’s “TYO STORY” is coming up on DVD soon! 2011. 06. 20

ANIDO’s new DVD of Taku FURUKAWA: “TAKUN FILMS 2,” which includes his masterpiece “TYO STORY” will be released in July 2011!! Besides with “TEDDY”, “NOSE STORIES” and other short animation films, we will present his humorous <TAKUN WORLD>. Of course we put his latest interview and short film about Taku Furukawa’s collection “MR. TAKU’S NOBLE LIFE WITH WHITE KNOB WIND UP TOYS” in as special features. The first “TAKUN FILMS” is honourable by being called “Great DVD” by the creator and here is coming up the new “Great DVD” taking over its honour. Is the famous FURUKAWA’s piece of “MINNA NO UTA” going to be included? How about his part of G9+1′s works? Now we cannot tell but as soon as we can, we will inform its detail. Please wait!